Saturday 3 October 2015

Lyric Analysis

Lyric Analysis- Craig David: 7 Days

Lyrical analysis is the break down of song lyrics to reveals their true meaning and the message the artist is trying to get across to audience.  Lyrical analysis is important as the lyrics of a song are one of the main elements that help to inspire and structure the content of the music video. The lyrics of a song can help to tell the story/ narrative that is often found in their music videos. It is important that the lyrics of a song are analysed so that they are sure to relate to or contradict the video ( one of Goodwin's 7 codes and conventions) rather than having no relevance as that will not appeal to target audiences.

The image to the left is an lyrical analysis that I have carried out from which I read the lyrics and used then to create an initial idea for a music video for the specific song. This task will help me when creating our own music video as is has taught me how important the lyrics are when creating a music video, how lyrics can be interpreted differently by other people and that no every line has to be literal within the narrative.

After reading the lyrics to this song I created an initial music video with the first verse consisting of a man walking through a subway in New York where he is accidently bumped into by a woman who is rushing to work; they then end up chatting and swap numbers. For the next verse I imagined the man at home with a friend who is asking him all the questions about the girls he has met and he is giving the responses. For the chorus I pictured a montage of the man and woman doing all the things mentioned within the chorus such as going for a drink and chilling.

The concept that I created is in some ways quite similar to the original video although there are some obvious differences to the original video. The music video I imagined after reading the lyrics involved a continuous story where as the original shows him repeating the same day again and again until he gets it right. However, the basic story line for both the videos are quite alike in the fact that he does meet a woman in the street and has the conversation with his friend although not in the same circumstances or settings both of these sections of narrative where included in the original and my initial ideas for the music video. However the chorus for the song is different in the original video compared to my ideas as it focus more on the one evening of them going out and then going back to his, whereas I pictured it as a montage over multiple.

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