Thursday 1 October 2015

The purpose of magazine adverts and digipaks

The purpose of a Digipak is to Promote the single and artist when the single is on sale in stores. Digipaks are created to make the single unique to the artist and to ensure that it stands out to target audience against other digipak that it is sold next to. Digipaks are made up of different panels which contain images of the artist or objects related to the single, the artists name along with the single title, a list of the tracks on the album and the record label logo.

The purpose of a magazine advert is again to promote the single and artist as well as

. The release date for the single
. The record label who produced the song
. Where the song can be bought ( ITunes, HMV, Spotify)
. What resource the song is being sold in e.g. CD, Vinyl, Digital.
. Website for the artist/ record company

Magazine adverts are often simple with an image covering the page and the name of the artist/band in large font either on the top or bottom of the page.

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