Wednesday 16 December 2015

Plan for Digipak


The images on this post shows the plan I created for the digipak for our music video. Oringinally I designed a rough draft drawn out in pencil and when I was happy with this I used real life images to create a photographic version. The overall theme of my Digipak is the love and growth of the couple as they grow old together.  Some of the images used in  my digipak such as the hands are not ones that appear in our music video but they do still make sense and fit with our music video narrative.

The front cover of my Digipak design is simple yet effective with a black background white text and a young couples holding hands. The use of the black background allows the audience to focus on the image and the text which have a strong link that continues through the rest of the Digipak. I chose to use white writing on the black background in order to make it stand out to audiences as the colours are contrasting. It also help to emphasize the image of the young hands holding each other, which I used at the start of my Digipak as a starting point from which we will see them grow old throughout the Digipak before ending with them still holding hands but as an old couple.


The last page in my Digipak it almost identical to the front page as there is still a black background, white font and pair of hands but this time the hands are aged. Similarly to the first page, I used the black and white for background and font in order to make the Digipak stand out as well to highlight the image which will show that the hands, although the same as the ones on the front of the Digipak, have grown old together, linking to the title of our song. Both the front and the back page of my Digipak are similar in design to create the effect that as you open up the Digipak you're traveling through their life before ending the story the same way you stared after time having past.


The inside page in my Digipak shows the couple from our music video from behind holding hands, this is to symbolise that the audience are about to follow them through their story of growing old together. This image will cover the whole page in order to immerse the audience into our Digipak and feel as if they are part of the story and the journey that the couple go through.



The left page of my Digipak shows a close up shot of the male actor/artist smiling this by itself does not make much sense but can be used to show the joy on his face and to create the idea that he is welcoming the audience into the Digipak and allowing them to grow old with him. The far right picture in my Digipak then shows a close-up of the girl smiling this again shows the joy on her face. The position of this page and image shows that the couple are sharing their journey as they are either side of the Digipak letting us travel through the centre to see journey.

The centre image in my Digipak is an image of our couple at the park, I used this image to have a visual link to our music video and to show that couple having fun and being very much in love. The colours used in this image will be very bright to connote the happiness within the video and narrative. I chose this image as the centre picture as it a neutral background and it shows the couples true love for each other in a natural situation which connotes a relaxed happy feeling for the audience.

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