Friday, 2 October 2015

Brief analysis of ....

Brief analysis of a Digipak

A digipak is part of the packaging made for CD's.  They can  come in a 6 panel or 4 panel structure and are used to stand out and promote the single/ artist to target audiences. Digipaks usually consist images from the music video or related to the song/ music video as well as large clear text displaying the artists name and the single/album title. Digipaks often use bright or bold colours within their designs to ensure that they stand out against others and to specific target audiences.

The colour red, which has connotations of love , is used a lot within this digipak suggesting that songs within the album will about/ related to love. It is also a bright colour that stands out and links with the title of the album as it is a colour that could be described as "LOUD". The images used for the digipak focus specifically on the artist showing her importance. The pink roses on the CD's link to the roses in the image used across the digipak, this then relates to the idea love shown in this digipak as rose are often bought and rcieved as a sign of love and passion.

In contrast to the meaining of the title, the font used on this digipak is less dramatic and does not stand out from the background. This suggests that the look and face of the artist is of more improtance rather that the name of the album.

Brief analysis of a Magazine Advert

 Magazine adverts are used to promote the artist and single. They advertise the single buy using an image related to the song of artist with their name and the song title along with its release date and the record label logo. Magazine adverts are created  to promote the single before and once it has been released to ensure that target audiences have knowledge of it and therefore will go out and buy plan to when it is released therefore creating large record sales for the artist. Font colours are usually a contrast to the colours used in the background and images in order for it to stand out to audiences The image in the David Gilmour poster show multiple birds flying from a cage, this links with the title of the album as the birds are flying out of the cage and therefore rattling the lock. The white font is a contrast to the dark colours that appear in the image, this is so that the artists name and album title stand out to audiences suggesting that information is more important than the image used. Similar to the David Gilmour magazine advert, the stereophonics advert also used a contrasting font colour again to make stand out to audiences. However an image of the band has been used on this magazine advert allowing the bands image to be promoted as well as the album.

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