Sunday, 21 June 2015

Music Video Textual Analysis: Plan B Writings on the Wall

Music Video Textual Analysis: Plan B Writings on the Wall

The genre for this music video is pop whilst the genre for the artist is both pop, rap and soul. There is a typical narrative for this music video as it involves element of love with a man and his wife/ girlfriend but also drama when we see the man cheat on his wife/girlfriend. A clear and obvious narrative is something that is expected in this type of music video but there are some things that are not expected including plan B eating oysters followed by the fact that he has a one night stand after ringing his wife/girlfriend and telling her he be home soon. There isn't really any intertextual references in this music video apart from the title of the song and a line from the lyrics of Stevie wonders superstition where the song opens with the line "very superstitious, writings on the wall".

The narrative in this music video is very clear and hey storyline consists of a man who is seen as famous and very popular, cheating on his wife/girlfriend who is at home cooking a romantic meal for when he returns from his gig. The narrative has themes of love and trust and the lack of it. There is a recognisable structure in the music video as it shows 3 out of the 5  stages of Todorov theory of equilibrium. The first stage is the equilibrium where we see the man performing and the woman at home preparing the meal and there are no issues, the next stage of disruption is when the man meets the woman who he later goes on to have an affair with and the third stage of recognition is when his wife/ girlfriend is seen putting the phone down after getting no answer. The music video ends before it can complete the next to stages and therefore equilibrium is not achieved at the end of this video. The music video reflects lyrics as line like "It aint over but the writings on the wall" suggest that although there relationship isn't over, it is not brilliant and will most like not last for much longer which is then shown in the video when we see the man cheat on his wife/girlfriend leaving her at home alone and upset.

Representations of gender are evident in this music video when the woman is shown stereotypically as being domestic in the kitchen cooking dinner whilst the man of the house is seen as a celebrity out working bringing in the money and then partying. The males celebrity status also shows that he has more power as people look up to him and idolise him. Plan B in this music video is playing a fictional character of Strictland Banks and is shown as a popular successful character/ artist who is maybe being held back by his wife/girlfriend.

Visual/ Technical Codes
There are a couple of different settings in this music video including a nightclub and a house all of which point to the video being set in the 70's era. The nightclub setting has connotations of a sinister and suspicious atmosphere due to the dark low key lighting and the black clothing. The house however has opposite connotations when we see the woman I sat in the white room which gives connotations of innocence and purity. The bright colours used in the house gives suggestions of happiness which creates a sense of irony considering the narrative of the music video.  At the start of the music video we see a venue header including the words "sold out" this allows us to understand that the character, Strictland Banks is popular figure. There are lots of close ups and low and high angles used in this music video with many of the low angle s on Plan B to show his power compared to the high angles on the wife/girlfriend to show her innocence and weakness. The close ups of the wife/ girlfriend and the meal she is cooking connotes the importance of what the meal signifies for their relationship. A close up of the sauce bubbling and rising out of the pan can be used to show connotations of their love and relationship. Later in the music video we see a long shot of the wife/girlfriend  getting burnt by the pan this then has connotations o her being burnt by her relationship.  There are a couple of point of view shots from the eyes of Strictland banks / Plan B this allows us to gain his perspective of the narrative.

I would say the target audience for this video is both male and female teens to early 20's with the demographic of D/E. The young characters seen having fun in the video are used in order to attract the same type of audience because audiences can relate more to people of the same of similar age.

The record company doesn't have a clear role in this music video and is not recognised just by watching the music video, but the idea of the music video as a promotion of a fictional does in turn promote Plan B the artist which then leads to the promotion of the record company through the album sales. In the video, Plan B, who play a fictional character is promoted as a very popular celebrity.

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